Los términos y condiciones del minorista solo están disponibles para los siguientes países en este momento. Los términos y condiciones para otros países estarán disponibles en breve.

Para obtener más información, comuníquese con su representante de ventas.

Términos y condiciones B2B - España

  1. El efecto de estos términos y condiciones. Estos términos y condiciones (los «Términos y condiciones») se aplican a la compra y venta de los productos (los «Productos») de JRDL High Fashion Design S.L. Joseph Ribkoff», la «Empresa», «nosotros» o «nos», según sea el caso). Al firmar estos Términos y condiciones, o al realizarnos un pedido de los Productos, usted acepta estos Términos y condiciones y se rige por ellos. Estos Términos y condiciones anulan cualquier término y condición que sea incoherente con ellos mismos en cualesquiera órdenes de compra u otros documentos que utilice o en las comunicaciones que nos envíe (a menos que firmemos específicamente un documento acordando lo contrario). El incumplimiento de estos Términos y condiciones nos da derecho a cancelar cualquier pedido abierto que pueda tener con nosotros. Usted afirma que, si realiza un pedido en nombre de una organización o empresa, tiene la autoridad legal para vincular a dicha organización o empresa a estos Términos y condiciones. Nuestro uso de las palabras «usted» y «su» abarca a la empresa, corporación u otra entidad para cual usted tiene autorización para actuar.
  2. La disponibilidad de los Productos. La disponibilidad de los Productos está sujeta a cambios sin previa notificación. Nos reservamos el derecho a cancelar cualquier pedido que realice de Productos que ya no estén disponibles, en cualquier momento.
  3. Los pedidos y la confirmación del pedido de compra. Usted acepta que, según estos Términos y condiciones, cualquier pedido que realice con nosotros para realizar la compra de Productos es una oferta para comprar todos los Productos enumerados en su pedido. No estamos obligados a venderle ningún Producto hasta que aceptemos, confirmemos y enviemos dicho pedido. Podemos optar por no aceptar pedidos a nuestro exclusivo criterio. Una vez que realice un pedido con nosotros y lo hayamos aceptado, le enviaremos una confirmación de su pedido (una «Confirmación del pedido de compra») por correo electrónico. Es su responsabilidad revisar esta confirmación y avisarnos de cualquier error que pueda haber en ella. La Confirmación del pedido de compra indicará una «Fecha de inicio del envío» y una «Fecha de cancelación». Haremos un esfuerzo por enviar los Productos en una fecha comprendida entre la Fecha de inicio del envío y la Fecha de cancelación que se indican en la Confirmación del pedido de compra. A partir de la Fecha de cancelación, si aún no hemos enviado los Productos enumerados en la Confirmación del pedido de compra correspondiente, puede notificarnos por escrito si desea cancelar cualquier pedido abierto antes de que se envíen dichos pedidos. Una vez que se envíen los Productos, las partes implicadas quedarán vinculadas y usted no podrá cancelar un pedido del cual se hayan enviado los Productos, incluso si nos notifica por escrito su deseo de cancelar el pedido en la Fecha de cancelación o después de ella. La Fecha de inicio del envío y cualquier fecha de entrega que le proporcionemos es solo una estimación y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida ocasionada por no realizar la entrega en o antes de esa fecha de entrega estimada. Todos los pedidos quedan condicionados a la solvencia crediticia adecuada hasta el momento de la entrega. Nos reservamos el derecho a cancelar cualquier pedido, incluso después de haber emitido una Confirmación del pedido de compra, en cualquier momento, si no podemos realizar la entrega por algún motivo, cada cierto tiempo.
  4. Los precios y las modificaciones de precios. Encontrará el precio aplicable de los Productos cuando realice su pedido en el siguiente enlace: Prendas | Joseph Ribkoff . Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar los precios en cualquier momento. No obstante, con sujeción al apartado 6 que aparece más adelante, nos comprometemos a facturar los Productos que se pidan al precio aplicable cuando se realiza el pedido. Todos los precios e importes pagaderos en virtud del Contrato están expresados en Euros.
  5. Las cancelaciones de pedidos. Puede cancelar su pedido: 1) en un plazo de siete (7) días naturales tras la realización del pedido, sin ningún cobro, a menos que ya hayamos enviado el pedido; o 2) después de la Fecha de cancelación, de conformidad con el apartado 3 anterior. Las cancelaciones no serán efectivas hasta que Joseph Ribkoff reciba y confirme la notificación por escrito de la cancelación solicitada. No nos hacemos responsables de ninguna pérdida en la que usted incurra en relación con dichas cancelaciones.
  6. Los impuestos, aranceles y gastos de envío. Nosotros organizaremos el envío de los Productos hasta usted. A menos que se especifique lo contrario en la Confirmación del pedido de compra, los impuestos, aranceles y gastos de envío de los que usted será responsable se los proporcionaremos como parte del proceso de apertura de su cuenta. Estos incluirán todos los impuestos del fabricante, impuestos sobre las actividades económicas, impuestos sobre el uso, impuestos sobre las ventas, impuestos especiales, impuestos sobre el valor añadido, aranceles, tasas de aduanas, tasas de inspección o prueba, o cualquier otro impuesto, tasa, interés o cargo de cualquier naturaleza impuesto por cualquier autoridad gubernamental con respecto a o relacionada con la transacción que realicemos entre usted y nosotros.
  7. La titularidad. La titularidad de los Productos se le transfiere desde la Empresa, según los términos de envío especificados en el pedido. La Empresa mantiene un gravamen sobre los Productos hasta que recibamos el pago completo. Las reclamaciones por el incumplimiento del proveimiento u otros errores en la entrega deben enviarse por escrito en un plazo de 10 días naturales tras la recepción del envío, y el hecho de no enviar este tipo de notificación constituirá una aceptación incondicional y una renuncia a todas esas reclamaciones por su parte. Las reclamaciones por pérdida o daño de los Productos en tránsito deben hacerse al transportista, y no a nosotros.
  8. La entrega. Haremos todos los esfuerzos razonables para entregar los Productos sujetos a su disponibilidad, en el punto de entrega y en la fecha solicitada en su pedido. Sin embargo, no nos hacemos responsables de las pérdidas que pueda sufrir como resultado de un retraso o falta de entrega de los Productos.
  9. Las devoluciones. Solo se aceptarán devoluciones de acuerdo con estos Términos y condiciones. Si desea devolvernos los Productos después de haberlos recibido, en un plazo de siete (7) días tras la entrega de dichos Productos, debe enviar un correo electrónico o llamar por teléfono a la Empresa y solicitar un número de autorización de devolución (una «RMA», por sus siglas en inglés) tras informarnos del número de modelo, el color y el tamaño de los Productos a devolver y del motivo de la devolución. No se aceptará ningún tipo de devolución sin un número de RMA. El hecho de que le proporcionemos un número de RMA no es un indicativo de que la Empresa aceptará la devolución de los Productos, sino un simple acuerdo de que la Empresa investigará el motivo de la devolución. La Empresa debe recibir los Productos en la dirección indicada en la RMA, en un plazo de 14 días tras la fecha en que le enviemos el número de RMA. Una vez recibidos los bienes devueltos debidamente autorizados, validaremos la adecuación del motivo de devolución que se haya presentado. Si determinamos que la devolución es válida y que los Productos se encuentran en condiciones aceptables para nosotros, a nuestro exclusivo criterio, le otorgaremos un crédito por el valor de los Productos devueltos o le descambiaremos los Productos. Si concluimos que los Productos devueltos no cumplen con el motivo de la devolución o no están en una condición aceptable para nosotros, le devolveremos los Productos con una explicación de nuestra no aceptación y el importe facturado originalmente por los Productos seguirá siendo pagadero si sigue pendiente de pago. Los productos que nos devuelvan deben ir en su embalaje original, tener todas las etiquetas originales adheridas y no haberse usado, alterado o dañado de ninguna manera. Usted será responsable de pagarnos una comisión administrativa de hasta el 15 % (del valor de los Productos devueltos) por cualquier Producto que le devolvamos por cualquiera de los motivos antes mencionados. Para que quede claro: no ofrecemos reembolsos en efectivo, solo créditos a su cuenta que puede usar para futuras compras de nuestros Productos.
  10. La facturación. Se le proporcionará una factura tras el envío de los Productos. No puede ejercitar una compensación con respecto a ningún pago que nos deba.
  12. Las condiciones de pago. El pago se realiza, a más tardar, 60 días después de la emisión de la factura (la «Fecha de vencimiento»). En el caso de un pronto pago, se aplicarán los siguientes descuentos: (i) un descuento del 4 % en las facturas pagadas en el plazo de los 10 días siguientes a la emisión de la factura, y (ii) un descuento del 2,25 % en las facturas pagadas en el plazo de los 30 días siguientes a la emisión de la factura. Todos los descuentos se aplicarán al precio de los Productos antes de aplicarle los impuestos, aranceles o gastos de envío. En caso de que no se reciba el pago en la fecha de vencimiento, nos reservamos el derecho a cobrarle todos los costes en que incurramos para conseguir el pago, incluidos, entre otros, los honorarios de abogados, las tasas de cobro, etc., así como un interés del 12 % anual calculado mensualmente sobre el saldo insoluto, a partir del día siguiente al de su vencimiento (las «Sanciones por mora»). Las Sanciones por mora se deben y se adeudan sin que nosotros tengamos que emitir un aviso formal. En caso de retrasarse en el pago, usted responderá automáticamente frente a la Empresa abonando, aparte de las Sanciones por mora, una compensación fija de 40 euros por los gastos de cobro. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, las condiciones de pago de su cuenta son acorde a nuestro exclusivo criterio y se indicarán en la factura que recibirá por los Productos que haya comprado y que se le hayan enviado. Si consideramos (a nuestra entera discreción) que su solvencia no es satisfactoria, que no se puede determinar o que el importe adeudado excede su límite de crédito, es posible que le pidamos que pague los Productos antes de la entrega. Asimismo, sin renunciar a ninguno de nuestros otros derechos o recursos, podemos rechazar pedidos adicionales de su parte hasta que se paguen en su totalidad todos los importes vencidos.
  13. El portal de pago. Tenga en cuenta que el portal de pago disponible en el sitio web le permitirá pagar cualquier factura pendiente en su cuenta con nosotros, independientemente de si los Productos se pidieron a través del sitio web o de otra manera.
  14. La propiedad intelectual. Todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual (incluidos, entre otros, patentes, marcas comerciales, diseños registrados y cualquier derecho para solicitar dichos derechos, derechos de autor, derechos de diseño, derechos de bases de datos, derechos sobre información confidencial y conocimientos técnicos) y cualquier derecho análogo a estos en cualquier parte del mundo y existente en cualquier momento sobre los Productos, o que surja o tenga relación con el diseño o la fabricación de los Productos o la prestación de los servicios, nos pertenecerán y serán de nuestra propiedad. Nada que aparezca en el Contrato le otorga ningún derecho, titularidad o interés sobre nuestra propiedad intelectual. Como revendedor autorizado de Joseph Ribkoff, podemos proporcionarle materiales de marketing que presenten nuestros Productos. En ese caso, le otorgaremos una licencia limitada, no exclusiva y revocable para usar y distribuir estos materiales de acuerdo con las instrucciones que nosotros le proporcionemos. No está autorizado a crear sus propios materiales de marketing con la marca Joseph Ribkoff, a menos que le demos nuestra aprobación previa por escrito.
  15. La copia y falsificación. Joseph Ribkoff es el único propietario de la marca Joseph Ribkoff. La autorización que le proporcionamos para vender nuestros Productos no le otorga de ninguna manera ningún permiso para copiar o cambiar la marca de nuestros Productos, ni para cometer ningún delito similar. Además, no toleraremos ningún acto que pueda desacreditar o dañar la reputación de nuestra marca. Cualquiera de estas actividades puede resultar en la finalización de nuestra relación comercial, y todos los importes pendientes de pago por su parte se adeudarán de inmediato. Asimismo, nos reservamos todos los derechos para emprender acciones legales contra usted, su empresa y sus administradores si es necesario. Es más, deberá indemnizarnos por cualquier acción de este tipo y por todos y cada uno de los daños en que incurramos, incluidos los honorarios legales.
  16. La limitación de responsabilidad. La responsabilidad derivada del incumplimiento de cualquier condición o garantía en relación con los Productos que le vendamos a usted se limita al descambio de los Productos o al reembolso del precio pagado por los Productos, a elección exclusiva de la Empresa. JOSEPH RIBKOFF NO SE HARÁ RESPONSABLE EN NINGÚN CASO, YA SEA POR CONTRATO, RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL (INCLUYENDO NEGLIGENCIA O RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL CAUSAL) O DE OTRO MODO, POR (I) CUALQUIER DAÑO INDIRECTO, INCIDENTAL, ESPECIAL, CONSECUENTE O PUNITIVO, INCLUYENDO LA PÉRDIDA DE BENEFICIOS, INDEPENDIENTEMENTE DE SI DICHOS DAÑOS FUERON PREVISIBLES O NO, Y DE SI JOSEPH RIBKOFF FUE ADVERTIDO O NO DE LA POSIBILIDAD DE TALES DAÑOS, O (II) CUALQUIER IMPORTE SUPERIOR A LA CANTIDAD PAGADA A JOSEPH RIBKOFF POR LOS PRODUCTOS POR LOS QUE SE PRESENTA UNA RECLAMACIÓN. La responsabilidad de Joseph Ribkoff ante usted, ya sea por contrato, responsabilidad civil (incluida la negligencia o la responsabilidad civil causal) o de otro modo, se limita exclusivamente a los recursos previstos expresamente en los términos de este Contrato, en lugar de cualquier otro recurso legal o de equidad.
  17. La privacidad. Si ha realizado una solicitud de crédito, autoriza a la Empresa a obtener su información crediticia personal en relación con la solicitud de crédito. La Empresa puede dar información sobre usted a una agencia de informes de crédito para obtener un informe de crédito o para permitir que tal agencia cree o mantenga un archivo relacionado con su negocio. La Empresa cumplirá con todos los requisitos de privacidad que le sean aplicables. Además, en caso de que nos haya comprado Productos o se haya suscrito para recibir nuestros boletines y otras comunicaciones de marketing a través de nuestro sitio web o redes sociales, tales acciones se considerarán como que da su consentimiento para que nos comuniquemos con usted, es decir, enviándole mensajes comerciales electrónicos con respecto a necesidades comerciales, así como a futuras promociones y otras actividades de marketing. Para obtener más información sobre cómo podemos usar su información personal, consulte nuestra Política de privacidad
  18. Las modificaciones. La Empresa se reserva el derecho a modificar estos Términos y condiciones en cualquier momento. Si compra asiduamente nuestros Productos, se considera que acepta estos Términos y condiciones.
  19. La confidencialidad. Como revendedor autorizado de productos Joseph Ribkoff, le confiamos cierta información confidencial. Usted acepta velar por la confidencialidad de toda la información y los datos no públicos que sean propiedad de la Empresa y estén relacionados con los Productos comprados de conformidad con un pedido o con la actividad de la Empresa que se le revela a usted en virtud del presente (la «Información»). Usted acepta utilizar la Información con el único propósito de cumplir con sus obligaciones en virtud del presente y acepta no divulgar la Información a otros que no sean sus empleados que tengan una clara necesidad de conocerla, y dichos empleados están sujetos a obligaciones de confidencialidad similares. Usted será responsable de cualquier divulgación no autorizada de información por parte de dichos empleados. Previa solicitud por escrito de la Empresa, usted deberá devolver toda la Información tangible y las copias de esta en un plazo de treinta (30) días tras la cancelación de cualquier pedido o la finalización de nuestra relación comercial. Lo dispuesto en este apartado se mantendrá tras el vencimiento, la finalización de la relación o la cancelación de cualquier pedido.
  20. La integridad del contrato. A menos que se acuerde lo contrario por escrito entre usted y la Empresa, y con sujeción al apartado 18, estos Términos y condiciones constituyen la integridad del contrato entre nosotros con respecto al objeto del presente y solo pueden modificarse mediante un acuerdo mutuo por escrito entre nosotros.
  21. La separabilidad. Si alguna disposición del presente contrato se considera no válida, ilegal o inaplicable en su totalidad o en parte, las disposiciones restantes no se verán afectadas y seguirán siendo válidas, legales y aplicables como si la parte no válida, ilegal o inaplicable no se hubiera incluido en el presente contrato.
  22. La relación entre las partes. Las partes son contratistas independientes y nada de lo aquí contenido se interpretará como una asociación, una empresa conjunta, una agencia o una relación laboral. Ninguna de las partes tiene ni tendrá ningún poder para vincular a la otra, o para asumir o crear cualquier obligación o responsabilidad, expresa o implícita, en nombre de la otra parte.
  23. La jurisdicción. A menos que se acuerde lo contrario por escrito entre la Empresa y usted, estos Términos y condiciones se regirán e interpretarán de acuerdo con las leyes de la Provincia de Quebec y las leyes federales de Canadá aplicables allí. Las partes acuerdan expresamente excluir la aplicación de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas de 1980 sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías. Usted acepta someterse a la jurisdicción exclusiva de los tribunales de la Provincia de Quebec, en el distrito de Montreal. Todas las causas de acción contra la Empresa que surjan de o estén relacionadas con este Contrato o el desempeño de este vencerán a menos que se presenten en un plazo de un (1) año tras la fecha de devengo de las estas.
  24. El idioma. Las partes han solicitado expresamente que este Contrato y todos los documentos relacionados, incluidos los avisos y otras comunicaciones, se redacten únicamente en inglés.
  25. El consentimiento. Usted aprueba y acepta expresamente las presentes condiciones generales de venta, así como las listas de precios y tarifas a las que se hace referencia en el enlace URL del apartado 4, pues declara haber leído y comprendido dichas condiciones generales.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions – Austria

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of RJ Austria GmbH Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening procebss. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”). The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs. In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”). Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions – Belgium

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of RJ Belgium Consulting BVBA Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”). The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs. In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”). Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions - Canada

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions.     These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of Joseph Ribkoff Inc. (“Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise.  Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorised to act.

  2. Product Availability.     Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation.     You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion, even after we send you a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will issue you a Sales Order Confirmation. It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date”.  We will endeavour to ship the Products on or about the Start Ship Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications.     We will notify you of the price for the Products when you place your order. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time.

  5. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs.     We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process.

  6. Title.    The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by Company in full.

  7. Delivery.    We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  8. Returns.     Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Products to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Return Merchandise Authorisation number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date you initially received the product(s). Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return.  If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Products. If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons.  For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  9. Invoicing.      An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.

  10. Payment Terms.     Payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.                                                        
  11. Intellectual Property.     As an authorised Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products or the Joseph Ribkoff brand.  In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  12. Copying and counterfeit.    Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence.  Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  13. Limitation of Liability.    The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES RELATED TO A BREACH OF ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER, WHETHER BY NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO THE COMPANY FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES.

  14. Privacy.    If you have made an application for credit, you authorise the Company to obtain your   credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  15. Modifications.     The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these modified Terms and Conditions.

  16. Confidentiality     As an authorised reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship or destroy same and provide proof thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you shall not be required to delete any system back-up media such as copies of any computer records or files containing Information which has been created pursuant to automatic archiving or back-up procedures on secured central storage servers, however any such Information shall continue to be subject to the confidentiality obligations contained herein. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  17. Relationship of Parties.    The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  18. Entire Agreement.    Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 16 hereinabove, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede any previous agreement you have with us. These terms and conditions may only be amended by you by a written agreement with us.

  19. Severability.     If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  20. Jurisdiction.    Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal.

  21. Language.   The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions – Cyprus

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of Joseph Ribkoff Distributions Limited Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”). The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs. In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”). Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions – France

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of JRDL France SARL Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”). The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs.   In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”).  Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions - Germany

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of JRDL Germany GmbH Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Klamotten | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”). The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs. In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”). Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions - Italy

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of JRDL Italy SRL (“Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.  

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us.

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made as per the due date determined pursuant to your agreement with the Company. (the “Due Date”). In the event payment is not received on the Due Date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”). Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title, or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIABILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship. Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions – Switzerland

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of JRDL Switzerland SAGL Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”). The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs. In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”). Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice. In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros. Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions -

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of Joseph Ribkoff Inc. (“Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise. Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorised to act.

  2. Product Availability.    Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on or about the Start Ship Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time. 

  4. Prices and Price Modifications.    You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros. 

  5. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us.

  6. TitleThe title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you.  Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  7. Delivery.   We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  8. Returns.    Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  9. InvoicingAn invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  11. Payment Terms.   Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”).

     The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs.  

    In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”).  

    Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice.

    In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros.

    Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full

  12. Payment portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  13. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us.  Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  14. Copying and counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  15. Limitation of Liability.  The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIABILITY)_OR OTHERWISE,  FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES  OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  16. Privacy.   If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy 

  17. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  18. Confidentiality  As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  19. Entire Agreement.   Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 17, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  20. SeverabilityIf any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  21. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  22. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  23. Language.   The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement.

  24. Consent.   The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.  

Solo disponible en inglés

B2B Terms and Conditions – United Kingdom

  1. Effect of these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the purchase and sale of JRDL UK Ltd. Joseph Ribkoff”, the “Company”, “we” or “us” as the case may be) products (the “Products”). By signing these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise placing an order for Products from us, you accept and are bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions override any terms and conditions that are inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions in any purchase orders or other documents you use or in communications you send to us (unless we specifically sign a document agreeing otherwise). Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions entitles us to cancel any open orders you may have with us. You affirm that if you place an order on behalf of an organization or company, you have the legal authority to bind any such organization or company to these Terms and Conditions. Our use of the words “you” and “your” include the company, corporation, or other entity for which you are authorized to act.

  2. Product Availability. Product availability is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to cancel any orders that you place for Products that are no longer available, at any time.

  3. Orders, Sales Order Confirmation. You agree that any order you place with us for the purchase of Products is an offer to buy, under these Terms and Conditions, all the Products listed in your order. We are not obligated to sell any Products to you until we accept, confirm, and ship such order. We may choose not to accept orders at our sole discretion. Once you place an order with us and we have accepted it, we will send you by email a confirmation of your order (a “Sales Order Confirmation”). It is your responsibility to review this confirmation and advise us of any errors therein. The Sales Order Confirmation will indicate a “Start Ship Date” and a “Cancellation Date”. We will endeavour to ship the Products on a date that falls between the Start Ship Date and the Cancellation Date that is indicated on the Sales Order Confirmation. On or after the Cancellation Date, if we have not yet shipped the Products listed in the applicable Sales Order Confirmation, you may notify us in writing if your wish to cancel any open orders before such orders have shipped. Once the Products are shipped, the parties herein will be bound and you will not be able to cancel an order for which the Products have been shipped, even if you notify us in writing of your desire to cancel the order on or after the Cancellation Date. The Start Ship Date and any delivery date given by us to you is an estimate only and we will not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failing to deliver on or by that estimated delivery date. All orders remain conditional to proper credit standing until the time of delivery. We reserve our right to cancel any order, even after we issued a Sales Order Confirmation, at any time, if we are unable to deliver for any reason, from time to time.

  4. Prices and Price Modifications. You will find the price for the Products applicable when you place your order at the following link Clothing | Joseph Ribkoff. We reserve the right to modify pricing at any time. Nevertheless, but subject to paragraph 6 herein below, we commit to invoice the Products ordered at the applicable price when the order is placed. All prices, and amounts payable, under the Agreement are in Euros.

  5. Order Cancellations. You may cancel your order: 1) within seven (7) calendar days of that order being placed, without charge, unless we have already shipped the order; or 2) after the Cancellation Date in accordance with Section 3 above. Cancellations will not be effective until written notice of the requested cancellation is received and confirmed by Joseph Ribkoff. We will not be liable for any losses you incur in connection of any such cancellations.

  6. Taxes, Duties and Shipping Costs. We will arrange for shipment of the Products to you. Unless otherwise specified on the Sales Order Confirmation, the taxes, duties and shipping costs that you will be responsible for will be provided to you by us as part of your account opening process. These shall include all manufacturer’s tax, occupation tax, use tax, sales tax, excise tax, value added tax, duty, custom, inspection or testing fee, or any other tax, fee, interest or charge of any nature whatsoever imposed by any governmental authority on or measured by the transaction between you and us

  7. Title. The title of the Products is passed on from the Company as per the specified shipping terms of the order. The Company maintains a lien on the Products until payment is received by us in full. Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to us within 10 calendar days after receipt of shipment, and failure to give such notice will constitute unqualified acceptance and a waiver of all such claims by you. Claims for loss of or damage to Products in transit must be made to the carrier, and not to us.

  8. Delivery. We will use reasonable endeavours to deliver the Products subject to its availability, to the delivery point and on the date requested in your order. However, we will not be liable for any losses you may suffer as a result of a delay or failure to deliver the Products.

  9. Returns. Returns will only be accepted in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. If you wish to return Product(s) to us after you have received them, within seven (7) days of delivery of such Products, you must email or telephone the Company and request a Returns Authorization number (an “RMA”) after advising us of the style number, colour and size of the Product(s) to be returned together with the reason for the return. No returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. Our provision of an RMA number to you is not an indication that the return of the Products will be accepted by the Company, but merely an agreement that the Company will investigate the reason for the return. The Products must be received by the Company at the address indicated in the RMA within 14 days of the date we sent you an RMA number. Upon receipt of the duly authorized returned goods, we will validate conformity with the submitted reason for the return. If we determine that the return is valid and that the Products are in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will, at our entire discretion, either give you a credit for the value of the returned Products or replace the Product(s). If we conclude that the returned Products do not meet the reason for the return or are not in a condition that is acceptable to us, we will return the Products to you with an explanation for our non-acceptance and the amount originally invoiced for the Products will remain payable if still outstanding. Products returned to us must be in the original packaging, have all original tags attached, and not have been worn, altered or damaged in any way. You will be responsible to pay us an administrative fee of up to 15% (of the value of the returned Products) for any Products we return to you for any of the aforementioned reasons. For greater certainty, we do not offer cash refunds, only credits to your account that you may use for future purchases of Products from us.

  10. Invoicing. An invoice will be provided to you subsequent to the shipment of Products. You may not exercise set-off with respect to any payment owing to us.


  12. Payment Terms. Payment is made no later than 60 days upon issuance of the invoice (the “Due Date”).The following discounts will be applied to early payment as follows: (i) a discount of 4% on invoices paid within 10 days from the issuance of the invoice, and (ii) a discount of 2.25% on invoices paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice. All discounts will be applied against the price of the Products before taxes, duties and/or shipping costs.  In the event payment is not received on the due date, we reserve the right to charge you for all costs incurred to collect, including but not limited to lawyers’ fee, collection fees, etc., and interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated monthly on the unpaid balance, as of the date following the due date (“Late Payment Penalties”).  Late Payment Penalties are due and owing without the need for us to issue a formal notice.In the event of late payment, you shall automatically be liable to the Company, in addition to the Late Payment Penalties, for a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros.Without prejudice to the foregoing, payment terms for your account are within our sole discretion and will be indicated in the invoice you will receive for any Products which you have purchased and have been shipped to you. If we consider (in our absolute discretion) that your creditworthiness is unsatisfactory or cannot be determined or the amount owing would exceed your credit limit, we may require you to pay for the Products prior to delivery. Without waiving any of our other rights or remedies, we may refuse additional orders from you until all overdue amounts are paid in full.

  13. Payment Portal. Please note that the payment portal available on the website, will permit you to pay any outstanding invoice on your account with us, regardless of whether the Products were ordered via the website or otherwise.

  14. Intellectual Property. All intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, registered designs and any rights to apply for the same, copyright, design rights, database rights, rights in and to confidential information and know-how) and any rights analogous to the same anywhere in the world and existing at any time in Products or arising out of or relating to the design or manufacture of Products or the provision of services shall belong to and remain vested in us. Nothing in the Agreement grants you any right, title or interest in or to our intellectual property. As an authorized Joseph Ribkoff reseller, we may provide you with marketing materials featuring our Products. In these cases, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use and distribute these materials in accordance with the instructions provided by us. You are not authorized to create your own marketing materials featuring the Joseph Ribkoff brand unless pre-approved in writing by us.

  15. Copying and Counterfeit. Joseph Ribkoff is the sole owner of the Joseph Ribkoff brand. The authorization to sell our Products which we supply to you, in no way grants you any permission whatsoever to copy or re-brand our Products or commit any like offence. Additionally, we will not tolerate any acts that could discredit or damage our brand reputation. Any such activities may result in the termination of our business relationship, with all amounts owing by you to be immediately due. Additionally, we reserve all rights to pursue legal action against you, your company and its directors if required. Further, you will indemnify us for any such action and any and all damage incurred, including legal fees.

  16. Limitation of Liability. The liability arising from the breach of any condition or warranty in relation the Products sold to you is limited to the replacement of the Products or the refund of the price paid for the Products, at the Company’s sole option. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOSEPH RIBKOFF BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICK LIBAILITY)_OR OTHERWISE, FOR (I) ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE, AND WHETHER OR NOT JOSEPH RIBKOFF WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR (II) ANY AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT PAID TO JOSEPH RIBKOFF  FOR THE PRODUCTS FROM WHICH A CLAIM ARISES. The liability of Joseph Ribkoff to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, is exclusively limited to the remedies expressly provided under the terms of this Agreement, in lieu of any and all other remedies at law or in equity.

  17. Privacy. If you have made an application for credit, you authorize the Company to obtain personal credit information in relation to the application for credit. The Company may give information about you to a credit reporting agency to obtain a credit report or to allow the credit reporting agency to create or maintain a file relating to your business. The Company will comply with all privacy requirements applicable to it. Additionally, in the event you have purchased Products from us, or have subscribed to receive our newsletters and other marketing communications via our website or social media, such actions shall be considered consent for us to contact you, namely by sending you commercial electronic messages, with respect to business needs, as well as future promotions, and other marketing activities. For more information on how we may use your personal information, consult our Privacy Policy

  18. Modifications. The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued purchase of our Products is your deemed acceptance to these Terms and Conditions.

  19. Confidentiality. As an authorized reseller of Joseph Ribkoff Products, we trust you with certain confidential information. You agree to maintain all non-public information and data which is proprietary to the Company and related to the Products purchased pursuant to an order or to the Company's business disclosed to you hereunder confidential ("Information"). You agree to use the Information for the sole purposes of performing your obligations hereunder and agree not to disclose the Information other than to your employees having a clear need to know, and such employees are subject to similar confidentiality obligations. You shall be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of Information by such employees. Upon the written request of the Company, you shall return all tangible Information and copies thereof, within thirty (30) days of the cancellation of any order or the termination of our relationship. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of the relationship or cancellation of any order.

  20. Entire Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between you and the Company, and subject to paragraph 18, these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to the subject matter hereof and may only be amended by a mutual written agreement between us.

  21. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid, legal and enforceable as though the invalid, illegal or unenforceable part had not been included herein.

  22. Relationship of Parties. The parties are independent contractors, and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, agency, or employment relationship.  Neither party has nor will have any power to bind the other, or to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.

  23. Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, these Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Québec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The parties expressly agree to exclude the application of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Québec, in the district of Montreal. All causes of action against the Company arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance will expire unless brought within one (1) year of time of accrual thereof.

  24. Language. The parties have expressly requested that this Agreement and all related documents, including notices and other communications, be drafted in English only. Les parties ont expressément exigé que la présente convention ainsi que tous les documents qui s'y rattachent, incluant les avis et autres communications, soient rédigés en anglais seulement

  25. Consent. The present general terms and conditions of sale as well as the price lists and rates referred to in the URL link of article 4, are expressly approved and accepted by you, who hereby declares having read and understood said general terms and conditions.

Celebrando la moda desde 1957.